The \”Inflictus Complex\” Pyramid

The \”Inflictus Complex\” has been one of my long time favorites for testing strength, endurance, conditioning, and all out \”grit\”. The complex consists of 5 different movements done in quick succession with the same weights.  Dumbbells, Bars, Kettlebells, and Kettlebell Sandbags (shown in video) can be used to complete the workout. Push-Up Deadlift Bent Row

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Movie Theme Workout: \”Zombieland\”

If you\’ve never watched \”Zombieland\” you are MISSING OUT!  If you knew anything about me you\’d understand my appreciation for a humorous creature feature.  Blood, gore, action, humor, romance, epic one-liners, and a RULE BOOK ON HOW TO SURVIVE…  I gotta be honest, I was close to picking \”Shaun of the Dead\” but the \”Survival

Movie Theme Workout: \”Zombieland\” Read More »

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